Automation Challenge

Automation Challenge

Hey there!

It has been a long time since the last time I posted here, but now I am back 🙌.

Today I’m here to talk about a site I discovered while trying to find ways to study, the Automation Challenge.

For automation lovers like myself, it is like a little game, a secret box you need to solve, and a wonderful tool to train your brain.

There are other sites, but I’ll discuss the one I solved.

Accessing the Automation Challenge site, there are 2 versions of challenges, the one I did is the V2.0 challenge.

The goal of the challenge is to fill the provided CSV data into the form, but there is the tricky part, if you have little experience in UI automation you will know how difficult getting an element locator can be, and that’s what this challenge is about, for each “Submit” button you click to submit one line of the CSV data all the locators change, and their pattern, the way the labels are displayed, everything!

After I spent a lot of time finding the selectors, thinking that now I was done with it, they gave the surprise reCaptcha in the middle for you to deal with.

After that, I could finish in the 28th place:

That’s pretty much it folks 😌.

From now on I’ll try to post more here, see ya ✌️.

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